Purple lights to help Shine a Light and Save a life

Coquitlam, Public Alert

2023-11-22 08:18 PST

Coquitlam RCMP is lighting up for their first annual Purple Light Nights campaign to shine a light on intimate partner violence (IPV). This campaign honours those who have lost their lives to intimate partner violence, support survivors and provides hope to those still living with abuse. The lights will shine purple at Coquitlam RCMP main detachment and community policing offices starting November 25, 2023.

Purple Lights Night campaign image

View larger image - Purple Lights Night campaign image

Coquitlam RCMP attends approximately 473 IPV calls for service annually, with an average of 42 calls per month. IPV, also known as spousal or domestic violence, refers to multiple forms of harm caused by current or former intimate partners or spouse. 

To learn more, visit the Government of Canada’s Fact sheet: Intimate partner violence

The criminal code defines an intimate partner as any person – regardless of gender or sexual orientation – with who the accused / defendant has, or has had, an ongoing close and person intimate relationship, whether or not they are legally married or living together at the time of the alleged criminal conduct. IPV can include (but are not limited to) a variety of criminal code offences, such as: assault, sexual assault, assault with a weapon, harassment, uttering threats, or breach of release conditions related to a previous IPV offence.

To learn more, visit: British Columbia Prosecution Service – Intimate Partner Violence

There are numerous supports in place for IPV survivors and victims within the Tri-Cities and beyond. If you are or know someone suffering from IPV, you may speak with your local police of jurisdiction, family doctor or public health nurse, legal services, or community organizations.

To learn more, visit the Government of Canada’s Get help with family violence

Support within Coquitlam RCMP

Coquitlam RCMP Victim Services

Coquitlam RCMP’s Victim Services unit provides emotional support, practical help, safety planning, court support and referral to other agencies. Victim Services is a free and confidential service that provides police-initiated crisis intervention support and referrals to victims of crime and trauma.
Coquitlam Victim Services support gender-based violence victims regularly.

To contact our Victim Services unit, call 604-945-1585.

Staff within the unit are available Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. If you have concerns for your own safety or the safety of a loved one, we ask that you contact 9-1-1.

Coquitlam RCMP’s frontline officers respond to calls around the clock and often work hand-in-hand with our Victim Services Unit, ensuring that victims in crisis have the support they or their loved ones may need.

To learn more, visit our website.

Continued Support outside of Coquitlam RCMP

Partnering agencies

Coquitlam RCMP work with a number of other agencies to help victims and their families. Coquitlam RCMP Victim Services staff work alongside a number of other key community partners including those listed below.

Tri-City Transitions

Tri-City Transitions Society offers support for all individuals who have experienced intimate partner violence while offering women and children a safe and secure place to stay while they rebuild their lives.

Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Contact: 604-941-7111 / 24-hour Help Line: 604-492-1700

Email: info@tricitytransitions.com

Website: https://www.tricitytransitions.com/

Vancouver & Lower Mainland Multicultural Family Support Services Society (VLMFSS)

VLMFSS offers free and confidential culturally- responsive services with immigrant, refugee, visible minorities, without immigration status women and their families who are victims / survivors of Intimate Partner/Familial Violence, child abuse and sexual violence. We provide emotional supportive services in over 20 languages: Arabic, Chinese, Cantonese, Dari, English, Farsi, Fijian, Hindi, Ilokano, Korean, Mandarin, Pashto, Polish, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Telugu and more.

Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Contact: Local (604) 436-1025 / 1.888.436.1025

Email: againstviolence@vlmfss.ca

Website: www.vlmfss.ca

Additional Resources

Court Services Online (CSO)

Court Services Online (CSO) is an electronic service to provide access to government information. Through CSO, the public can search Provincial and Supreme Civil Files, Court of Appeal Files, Provincial Traffic and Criminal Court Files with the capacity from electronic document viewing and printing. Documents can be viewed free of charge or with a $6-$10 service fee.

In 2021, Clare’s Law legislation was implemented in Saskatchewan and Alberta. This legislation allows Police to disclose a person’s prior intimate partner violence information to their current or former partner – or a third party such as a parent. This provincially established process allows Canadians to make informed decisions about their safety, especially around intimate partner relationships. While British Columbia has not enacted Clare’s Law, CSO provides some of this information that can empower victims of gender-based violence.

Hours: 24 hours / 7 days a week

Website: CSO - (gov.bc.ca)


VictimLink BC is a toll-free, confidential and multilingual services available across B.C. and the Yukon. VictimLinkBC provides immediate crisis support, information and referral services to call victims of crime.

Hours: 24 hours / 7 days a week

Contact: 1-800-563-0808

E-mail: VictimLinkBC@bc211.ca

Website: VictimLinkBC - Province of British Columbia (gov.bc.ca)

Released by:

Cpl. Alexa Hodgins
Media Relations Officer
Coquitlam RCMP
2986 Guildford Way, Coquitlam, B.C V3B 7Y5
Office: 604-945-1580

Email: coquitlam_media@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Website: coquitlam.rcmp-grc.gc.ca (English only)

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